Thursday, December 6, 2007

Who's actually endangering Muslims?

Andrew Coyne writes more on the Mark Steyn affair and also a decent bit on the Human Rights Commissions in general.

Coyne points to the irony of the CIC making these charges against Steyn. It was CIC president Mohamed Elmasry who declared Tarek Fatah to be "anti-Islam" and that we was "smearing Islam." Such labels are exactly what Mr. Fatah was attacked for in 2006 when thugs smashed the windows in his car, threatening him because he was "anti-Islam." The irony is palpable. Has any Muslim in Canada been attacked for being "part of a disastrous demographic sea-change in Europe," as Mark Steyn, as I paraphrase, charges of Muslims? None, yet there is a Muslim in Canada attacked for being "anti-Islam" just as Elmasry charges of that Muslim. Maybe the CIC should bring itself before the Human Rights Commission...or just leave Mark Steyn alone.

Also, Elmasry was in favour of the sharia courts for Muslim family disputes in Ontario, this would further hurt Muslims. It would subject Muslims to the obscurantist decisions of the fundamentalist Islamic scholars and keep Muslims, women in particular, one step further from equality under law. And this sets a precedent for evermore introduction of sharia, bringing even greater harm to Muslims.

And I wish to make a more general point, that the CIC's stifling of open discourse hurts Muslims as well. It's doesn't hurt to hear criticisms of your side, even if it does hurt your sensibilities.


Dag said...

Elmasry is the one who said on Canadian radio that 'all Israelis, regardless of age or sex are legitimate targets of Islamic violence, because all Israelis are subject to military service.' Get them sooner than later so they don't cause any trouble. This is a man who argues for murdering babies.

I was one of a dozen protesters in Oct. 2005 in Vancouver, Canada at the Courthouse who tried to bring attention to the efforts of Elmasry et al to impose Shari'a on Muslims in Canada. The passers-by expressed a deep hostility toward any who approached them with leaflets, assuming wrongly that this was yet another Communist pep rally or some such outrage. People demonstrating against an evil campaign against the nation and people were dismissed out of hand as cranks and losers. An issue even as important as this, as directly life-threatening as Islam, was frowned at and further ignored. The protest was ultimately successful due to the crowd at Queen's Park, Toronto, but the public relations effort elsewhere in Canada was a terrible failure.

Elmasry still, to the best of my knowledge, advocates the murder of civilians. He still, as far as I know, teaches at a Canadian university, and he still has the public ear and access to the public purse. How to counter-act this monster? WE blog, of course, but it takes far more effort than that. It requires face-to-face meetings with our friends and relatives who are still so reluctant to listen to anything other than the party line.

We here in Vancouver meet each Thursday evening at the main branch of the public library to discuss events and ideas regarding Islam, jihad, dhimmitude, and the fascist Left. It must be OK because in mid-January we'll celebrate our second year of meetings complete. Can we draw a crowd? Not a chance. But we do have a few converts, more than would have been the case had we stayed home.

Yes, I've been at this for years with little success, but it builds regardless. And our meetings, as I pointed out, are interesting enough to pull us in each week for years. If you don't meet in your own ton at the library, please join us here in Vancouver every Thursday evening from 7-9:00 p.m. in the atrium. We sometimes have famous guests, and other times we're simply famous all by ourselves. Always good to meet someone new.

Admin said...

I think there's a lot of truth in what Dag says.

If every one of us is able to show the dangers of Islam to just one person then we have done out duty.

The compounding effect will be enormous.

Islam threatens every one of us and we MUST stand up and do our bit.

On a related topic. if all of us took the time to write to our MP and the Prime Minister regarding this abomination called the HRC, then we will also have done our part in halting this Islamic juggernaut.

Kafir Canada said...

There's always hope to improve situations, not matter how dire they may seem, I believe.

It's good that you do real organising. We need far more of it before any focused counterjihad in Canada. I think you're right to focus on dhimmitude too. That's just something people don't know about at all, and if people don't start learning about it, there's a great chance they'll get to learn about it first hand in the future.

Did you see the case of the nurses having to move bedridden Muslim patients five times a day in England for their prayers even though they already had plenty of important things to do? You'd think if their god was true, he wouldn't exactly expect you to face Mecca while praying if it meant having to burden other people. But of course, dhimmitude explains this perfectly: just another chance to humiliate the kafir and remind her that she must be subordinated.

simson11 said...

It sounds like it would make for an interesting mini-campaign. I'm looking forward to your report and pics. Good luck with the English Civil War figures. It's a period I wouldn't mind getting into myself, having fought several games at my old club using Armati rules. I'm also horribly tempted by Peter Pig's 15mm Sudan figures, but that's another story... ;)

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