Everyone believes they're on the side of good. The Islam Is Peace Campaign believes Islam is peaceful, and so did the June 7th bombers. [And it's their two viewpoints on what exactly this peace is that are juxtaposed in the image here.] All Muslims, moderate and extremist alike, say that Islam is peaceful, but does Islam actually bring its fair share of this uncontested good, peace? Or is it better thought to bring, as the Pope in his infamous Regensburg speech quoted Byzantine Emperor Manuel Paleologus II, saying, "things only evil and inhuman, such as [the] command to spread by the sword the faith..."
That quote comes from 1391 AD, but this is not an early example of linking Islam to violence. In fact, the earliest of all known bits of writing on Islam (earlier than the Quran itself, which wasn't compiled and standardised into its present form until 650-656 AD) includes the Doctrina Jacobi of 634-640 AD, which mentions a prophet of the Saracens (Arabs) who had came "armed with a sword." For as long as Islam had been around, it has been seen as violent. So we see ourselves in no different a situation today with this criticism continuing.
But what does this criticism lead to in response for groups like the Islam Is Peace Campaign, and CAIR, and others who would rather Islam be seen as peaceful? The Islam Is Peace Campaign lists their approach as having five steps. Numbers two to five are: 2) Create dialogue; 3) Address grievances; 4) Be creative; and 5) Create friendships. Four and five seem vacuous. Two and three read like they are acting towards peace, but they are actually the opposite of what you may expect. Two is not creating dialogue with extremist Islam so as to convince them otherwise, but actually with the rest of society, so that they may warm to Islam evermore. And three is not addressing grievances of the victims of Islamic terrorism, but rather the grievances of the Islamic terrorists! So the response to violence is to give those who commit it what they want, and, to those who suffer it, nothing but empty words. And, last but not least, step one is, "To fight Islamophobia," where Islamophobia includes any poignant criticism of Islam.
So where are the actions against the violence of Islam, and not just the words? They seem to be contained only to the purely reactive and defensive measures of the counter-terrorism departments of the intelligence agencies. Any pro-active, constructive steps to combat it are pushed out of bounds by accusations of Islamophobia. This goes so far that even Muslim groups are accused of being Islamophobic.
[I hope to get some comments before I keep on making posts, so that I may know someone cares that I'm saying anything.-KC]
Do you have a bigger version of that graphic - it's excellent and deserves to go viral.
[I hope to get some comments before I keep on making posts, so that I may know someone cares that I'm saying anything.-KC]
I forgot to look at how long you've been posting, but it is unfortunately a long process to get noticed so that people come over and leave a message.
Here's a trick, perfectly ethical, to generate traffic and comments:
Link out to all the blogs you admire, especially those in the medium to lower range. For example, we're medium.
Then, when people are checking their Technorati listing -- "ohmygod, look how far down I've fallen!" -- they'll look around at who is linking to them and some will click on to your site.
I've found many interesting sites that way, including people who loathe us...enemies are good for ones' intellectual constitution.
BTW, you might like this neologism one of our commenters uses. He calls anti-jihadists "kafircons" ...I like it better than islamophobia because it describes a position AND a process. Besides it's stated in positive terms rather than fearful ones.
Notice what your first commenter said: viral images will draw traffic because those on the blogosphere are mostly meticulous about crediting original work.
However, eventually you'll be pleased just to see something you created gain a life of its own. You'll begin to realize your efforts are important because they add incrementally to the kafircon phenomenon.
I looked: you've not been on long. Don't freak yourself -- there's a lot out there.
A few more tricks:
post comments in a lot of venues. If you have favorite places you usually comment, start there.
Join some kind of carnival. You don't have to start one, just contribute to some occasionally.
Build up a long list of posts so that people have something to click on besides the page the drew them here. Sometimes, when energy permits, I will do 3-5 posts a day. Minimum is one, though.
If you want to cut down on the work, consider having a co-blogger.
GET A BLOGROLL UP ASAP. Blogs you like. The linkage is essential. You can divide it by category or country if you want...we're too lazy because ours grew bit by bit. I need to go thru and weed out the ones who are out of business and don't have an archive.
Do you have a counter? Sitemeter is good, but there are others if you want to look around.
Give us Canadian news whenever you can. The good and the bad...
"Small Dead Animals" is an excellent place to look for Canadian news and blogs -- besides a plethora of others.
Sometimes they link our stories but we're not on their blogroll. They give good traffic, though.
Welcome to the blogosphere.
Great posts for a new blog -- and fantastic graphic.
Drop by my site at Rhymes With Right.
Yeah, I've a 720x400 original. Don't really know how to upload it with out putting it in a post though...?
I just started, so I wasn't bemoaning a lack of comments, just expressing that I wasn't sure if this would amount to anything. Thanks for the tips.
just upload it in a blogpost.
you have the option of "small","medium", "large". blogpost will end up displaying a thumbnail - and folks will be able to click on it to get the bigger version.
alternatively, just upload to TinyPic - once the upload is finished you'll get a tinypic.com url. just paste that into this current blogpost, letting folks know that they can go there to get the bigger version.
I enjoyed your picture and link to Islamispeace.org.uk I went to that site and witnessed the unashamed use of children to tug at my emotions instead of any cogent arguments that Islam is indeed peaceful. Even the name of the organization is misleading as Islam means submission (as is explained on even the Muslim-run websites). The site had media links and I viewed some to read the comments and was relieved to find most postings are not buying this BS no matter how slick the media campaign is. Welcome to the blogosphere and best of luck in future.
thanks for the link to the bigger version of the graphic.
now i'm going to make this go viral.
and i'll credit you.
here's the direct link to the bigger grapic
pass this one around folks.
Good work, I came here via Gates of Vienna (hi, Dymphna) and I've now bookmarked your site.
Keep up the good work!
I came from Gates of Vienna as well, and also have a relatively new blog, not getting much traffic, but a sense of trying to do my part, along with my fellow blogger.
Languille Lady
Outstanding graphic; I've put it up at my own blog. Best of luck with yours.
A suggestion: copyright this, put it on a T-shirt and market it in England.
That's a great graphic. I've put a copy on my Danish site along with a link to your blog.
It definitely deserves to go viral.
Welcome on board.
Chers, Mikael
Oh, that's http://bombeienturban.blogspot.com/ in case you're interested. :-)
Great picture, worth a million words. Now if everyone could take off the rose colored glasses and really look at it, they will see how much sh*t they are in for.
Welcome Kafir Canada and keep up the good work!
Adaptation to French needs (yes you've already gone international) :
"The Islam Is Peace Campaign lists their approach as having five steps. Numbers two to five are: 2) Create dialogue; 3) Address grievances; 4) Be creative; and 5) Create friendships."
I wonder how are they going to dialogue this:
From CalgaryIslam.com (a webpage that has since mysteriously dissapeared)
“So all of this is with regards to when one is unable to fight the disbelievers, or unable to make them give the jizyah, if they are from Ahlul-Kitâb. However, when one does have the power to fight Jihâd against them, then what is required is to call them to enter into Islâm, or be killed, or to pay the jizyah - if they are from its people. In this case it is not permissible to seek peace with them, nor to abandon fighting and the jizyah. Rather, seeking peace is allowed when there is a need or necessity; when you are unable to fight them or enforce the jizyah upon them - if they are from its people, as Allâh - the Most Perfect, the Most High - says in the âyah that has already preceded:”
"Fight against those who do not believe in Allâh and the Last day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allâh and His Messenger, nor acknowledge Islâm, the religion of truth, from amongst the People of the Book (i.e. the Jews and Christians), until they pay the jizyah with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.[Sûratut-Tawbah 9:29]”
“And fight them on until there is no more fitnah and the Religion is made purely for Allâh.[Sûratul-Anfâl 8:39]”
I guess they will have to be "creative"?
Another arrival from GoV. Excellent graphic! I say this also as someone who does stitched graphics a lot on my own blog.
I repeat all those who said it deserves to go viral. I think it'll feature on my planned linkfest post.
Great to see a Canadian blog! Please try to post as much Canadian news as you can find.
Great visual and great copy. I'll cross post to this and maybe our two small-time blogs will grow together. LOCKANDLOAD
I came across your post at Foehammer‘s Anvil
so you are gettting some good exposure already. You have been added to my blogroll. Listen to Miss Dymphna, she knows her stuff.
There's an old saying:
What you do speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you're saying.
Evidently Emerson, who wrote it as
Who you are speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you're saying.
Not only do actions speak louder than words, but words uttered when you think no one is watching are more telling than what you put out for public consumption!
Take this example of what is found in British Muslim institutions.
Bus photos.
I'm suggesting captions for these photos.
The one on the left is "Going."
The one on the right is "Coming."
I see some of our long-times friends have found you as well. You're doing a fine job.
If ever you come out to Vancouver, please let us know in advance at N.D. or at Covenant Zone. Coffee's on me.
Best regards, Dag.
Welcome, kafir canada. I think I found you via JihadWatch. It's been a long day, though, so please don't hold me to it.
I've bookmarked you and will be happy to put you in my blogroll when I next get the chance.
I've also linked to your post and pic over at and I reckon the guys there will loooove your graphic.
*waves at dag.* Long time no see, my friend! cheers!
Definitely too long a day. Apologies for the broken html tag.
Nilk, a big hug from me for you and yours!
l am thrilled to read this new blod, and have put in my "Favorites" list. We Kafir Canadians need to unit to keep our freedoms against the encroachment of islamic sharia. say no to islam!
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